Tonnage Statistics

About Tonnage Statistics

The information presented on this website is provided free of charge. When sourcing this data, please credit the Port of Los Angeles.

Provided tonnage statistics include annual imports and exports of liquid bulk commodities (gasoline, marine and jet fuel, petroleum products and crude oil) in barrels and revenue tons, by calendar and fiscal year.

Annual tonnage statistics with monthly breakdowns for the Port of Los Angeles are available for the years listed below. Monthly breakdowns for the current year are updated as new data becomes available. 

Liquid Bulk
CY 2024 CY 2023 CY 2022 CY 2021 CY 2020
Imports year in progress 39,799,046 43,675,631 52,442,062 52,201,119
Exports year in progress 16,021,574 20,404,234 23,934,822 21,390,956
Total year in progress 55,820,620 64,079,865 76,376,884 73,592,075
Barrels by Months 2024 Breakdown 2023 Breakdown 2022 Breakdown 2021 Breakdown 2020 Breakdown

Liquid Bulk (MMRT) FY 2022/23
FY 2021/22
FY 2020/21
FY 2019/20
FY 2018/19
Total in Million Metric Revenue Tons 7.6 10.8 9.3 12.3 13.4

About Revenue Tons

A Revenue Ton (RT) is a measurement used for billing purposes, primarily for bulk cargo.  If cargo is rated as weight or measure (W/M), whichever produces the highest revenue will be considered the RT. Weights are based on Metric Tons (MT) and measures are based on cubic meters. The RT figure represents a combination of metric tons and cubic meters, which is not directly comparable to any other port’s metric tonnage figures. The Port of Los Angeles charges a flat rate per twenty-foot-equivalent container, and does not collect actual metric tonnage data for all cargo.
Conversion method: 1 Metric Ton (MT) equals 1,000 kilograms [2,204.6 pounds]. 1 Revenue Ton (RT) can equal 1 metric ton OR 1 cubic meter.
Conversion table below courtesy of the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA).
To Convert Into Multiply
Long Tons Short Tons 1.12
Long Tons Metric Tons 1.016
Metric Tons Long Tons 0.9844
Metric Tons Short Tons 1.1025
Short Tons Metric Tons 0.907029
Short Tons Long Tons 0.89287