Environmental Documents

Environmental Documents

Environmental documents posted on this page have been issued by the Port of Los Angeles in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and/or National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) guidelines. This page also includes notices of any public meetings planned to take comments on the environmental documents.
Each entry below displays a project title; click + to expand project titles for links to documents and additional information, including type of notice, start and end dates of the public review period (if applicable), and if the public review period is open or closed (if applicable).
A project may fall under one of three categories:
  O  Projects Under Environmental Review: Public Review Period Open
  O  Projects Under Environmental Review: Public Review Period Closed
  O  Projects Certified by the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners

Projects Under Environmental Review: Public Review Period Open


At this time, there are no projects under environmental review with an open public review/comment period.

Projects Under Environmental Review: Public Review Period Closed

Click + to expand project titles for additional information and links to documents.

2024 Initial Study/Notice of Preparation (IS/NOP) Public Review Period Public Review Period Status
2014 Notice of Intent (NOI)/Notice of Preparation (NOP) Public Review Period Public Review Period Status
Cover Letter
Página Principal
Public Notice
04/11/14-05/25/14 Closed
2022 Draft Notice of Preparation/Initial Study (NOP/IS) Public Review Period Public Review Period Status
2018 Initial Study/Notice of Preparation (IS/NOP) Public Review Period Public Review Period Status
Initial Study/Notice of Preparation 05/31/18-06/29/18 Closed
2022 Initial Study/Notice of Preparation (IS/NOP) Public Review Period Public Review Period Status
Environmental review for the West Harbor Modification Project is part of the San Pedro Waterfront Project, certified Sept. 29, 2009. Scroll down to find additional documents for the San Pedro Waterfront Project under "Projects Certified by the Board of Harbor Commissioners."
​2021 Revised Draft Environmental Report Public Review Period Public Review Period Status
View prior environmental documents released for the Southern California International Gateway (SCIG) Project by scrolling down to the "Certified Projects" section below.
​2021 Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration (IS/ND) Public Review Period Public Review Period Status


Projects Certified by the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners

Click + to expand project titles for additional information and links to documents.

Air Products Hydrogen Pipeline Project — Adopted 03/04/2021
The Harbor Department has reviewed the Final Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2020059038) prepared for the Air Products Hydrogen Pipeline Project and certified on November 10, 2020 by the City of Carson’s Planning Commission (Lead Agency). The Harbor Department, as a Responsible Agency under CEQA with respect to Harbor Department’s approvals and permits, is required to (1) participate in consultations with the Lead Agency, (2) provide comments, if any, on the project portion it is approving, and (3) consider the Lead Agency’s CEQA document, prior to acting on a project. Please find the Harbor Department’s Findings, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan below:

Air Products Hydrogen Pipeline Project: Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan
2012 Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) — Certified 07/19/2012
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Response to Comments
Chapter 3 - Modifications to the Draft EIR
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
2012 Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)
Cover Page
Executive Summary
Readers Guide - English
Readers Guide - Spanish
Public Notice - English
Public Notice - Spanish
Table of Contents  
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Project Description
Chapter 3 - Environmental Analysis
Section 3.1 - Aesthetics and Visual Resources
Section 3.2 - Air Quality, Meteorology and Greenhouse Gases
Section 3.3 - Biological Resources
Section 3.4 - Cultural Resources
Section 3.5 - Geology
Section 3.6 - Groundwater and Soils
Section 3.7 - Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Section 3.8 - Land Use
Section 3.9 - Noise
Section 3.10 - Population and Housing
Section 3.11 - Public Services and Utilities
Section 3.12 - Traffic and Transportation
Section 3.13 - Water Quality
Chapter 4 - Environmental Justice
Chapter 5 - Cumulative Analysis
Chapter 6 - Analysis of Alternatives
Chapter 7 - Growth-Inducing Impacts
Chapter 8 - Significant Irreversible Changes
Chapter 9 - References
Chapter 10 - List of Preparers
Chapter 11 - Acronyms
Appendix A - Notice of Preparation/Initial Study
Appendix B - PCAC Involvement
Appendix C - Air Quality, Greenhouse Gases, and Health Risk Assessments
Appendix D - Cultural Resources
Appendix E - Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Appendix F - Construction Noise Worksheets
Appendix G - Traffic Worksheets
2010 Notice of Preparation NOP
*Marine Oil Terminal Engineering and Maintenance Standards (MOTEMS)
2021 Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) – Certified 09/23/2021
2021 Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND)​
2019 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (FSEIR) — Certified 10/08/2019
Letter from Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka
September 5, 2019 Board Presentation
Transmittal Letter
Cover Page
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Response to Comments
Chapter 3 Modifications to the Recirculated Draft SEIR
Appendix B1 Air Emissions
Appendix B2 Air Dispersion Modeling
Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations
Supplemental Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Notice of Determination
2018 Recirculated Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (RDSEIR)
Notice of Availability (English)
Notice of Availability (Spanish)
Cover Page
Executive Summary
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Project Description
Chapter 3 Environmental Analysis
Section 3.1 Air Quality
Section 3.2 Greenhouse Gases
Section 3.3 Ground Transportation
Chapter 4 Cumulative Impacts
Chapter 5 References
Chapter 6 Preparers
Chapter 7 Acronyms
Appendix A Notice of Preparation
Appendix B1 Air Emissions
Appendix B2 Air Dispersion Modeling
Appendix B3 Health Risk Assessment
Appendix C1 Transportation Analysis
Appendix C2 Rail Grade Crossing Analysis
Appendix D1 Screening Analysis
Appendix D2 Noise Screening Analysis
Appendix E Energy Conservation
2017 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR) 
Port of Los Angeles Public Notice (English)
Aviso Publico, Puerto de Los Angeles (Espanol)
Cover Page
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Project Description
Chapter 3.0: Environmental Analysis
Chapter 3.1: Air Quality and Meteorology
Chapter 3.2: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change
Chapter 3.3: Ground Transportation
Chapter 4: Cumulative Analysis
Chapter 5: References
Chapter 6: List of Preparers and Contributors
Chapter 7: Acronyms and Abbreviations
Appendix A: Notice of Preparation
Appendix B1: Air Emissions
Appendix B2: Air Dispersion Modeling
Appendix B3: Health Risk Assessment
Appendix C1: Transportation Analysis
Appendix C2: Rail Grade Crossing Analysis
Appendix D: China Shipping Past Performance Review
Appendix E1: Screening Analysis
Appendix E2: Noise Screening Analysis
2015 Notice of Preparation (NOP)
NOP Scoping Meeting Presentation
Página Principal
2008 Joint Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (Final EIS/EIR) — Certified 12/18/08
Response to Comments
Findings of Fact and Statements of Overriding Considerations
Mitigation List
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
Board Letter
Public Notice
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2: Response to Comments
Chapter 3 Modifications to the EIR
Appendix F1: CMP
Appendix F2: PP Mitigated
Appendix F3: Alt 3 Mitigated
Appendix F4: Alt 4 Mitigated
Appendix F5: Alt 5 Mitigated
Appendix F6: Alt 6 Mitigated
Appendix F7: Alt 7 Mitigated
Appendix L: Caulerpa Survey
Appendix N: Draft Section 404(B)(1)
Appendix O: Dredging Protocol
Appendix P: Draft Conformity
2008 Joint Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (DEIS/DEIR)
Berth 97-109 Overview and Peak Emissions Graphs
Reader’s Summary
Executive Summary
Cover Letter
Table of Contents
Joint Notice
Public Meeting Transcript
Public Meeting Presentation
Resumen Ejecutivo
Página Principal
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Project Description
Chapter 3.0: Environmental Analysis
Chapter 3.1: Aesthetics
Chapter 3.14: Water Quality
Chapter 3.2: Air Quality
Chapter 3.3: Biological Resources
Chapter 3.4: Cultural Resources
Chapter 3.5: Geology
Chapter 3.6: Ground Transportation
Chapter 3.7: Groundwater and Soils
Chapter 3.8: Hazardous Materials
Chapter 3.9: Land Use
Chapter 3.10: Marine Transportation
Chapter 3.11: Noise
Chapter 3.12: Recreation
Chapter 3.13: Utilities
Chapter 4: Cumulative Analysis
Chapter 5: Environmental Justice
Chapter 6: Comparison of Alternatives
Chapter 7: Socioeconomics
Chapter 8: Growth-Inducing Impacts
Chapter 9: Significant Irreversible Changes
Chapter 10: References
Chapter 11: List of Preparers
Chapter 12: Acronyms
Appendix A: Notice of Intent (NOI)/Notice of Preparation (NOP)/Initial Study
Appendix B: Amended Stipulated Judgment
Appendix C: PCAC Mitigation Measures/NNI
Appendix D: PCAC Involvement
Appendix E1: Air Quality and Health Risk Data
Appendix E1.2: Operational Emission Calculations
Appendix E1.3: Calculation Methodology for GHG
Appendix E2: Dispersion Modeling
Appendix E3: Health Risk Assessment
Appendix E4: Carbon Dispersion
Appendix E5: List of Selected Air Quality References
Appendix E6: Health Risk Assessments: Background
Appendix F: Traffic Data
Appendix F2: Future Baseline - Existing China Shipping
Appendix F3: Proposed Project
Appendix F4: Impact Analysis
Appendix F5: CMP Analysis
Appendix F6: Alternative 1
Appendix F7: Alternative 2
Appendix G: Environmental Justice
Appendix H: CEQA Baseline
Appendix I: Throughput Methodology
Appendix J: Tsunami Report
Appendix K: Water Quality
Appendix L: Biological Resources
Appendix M: Cultural Resources
Appendix N: Draft Section 404 (b) (1) Alternatives Analysis
Comment letters received on the 2008 DEIS/DEIR
Air Quality Subcommittee, PCAC  
Andrew Alison
Anil Verma
Ann Kovara
Brian Kite, Leo A. Daly
Bill Walles, Amplitude Consulting
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Carrie Scoville
City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works
City of Riverside, Office of the City Attorney
Coalition for Safe Environment  
Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council ​
Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
Economic Alliance of San Fernando Valley
Edward and Joann Hummel
Efren Abratique, Abratique & Associates
Far East National Bank
George K. Chan, GKC Engineering
Girdhari Lalwani
Harbor Association of Industry and Commerce (HAIC)
Hammish List, Breen Engineering
Jean Sandoval
John Cruikshank
Karen Drew
LaDonna DiCamillo, BNSF Railway (BNSF)
Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce  ​​​
Michael Manio, Presentation Media Incorporated (PMI)
Mohamed F. Kureshi, Eagle Protection of California
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC)
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) A
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) B
Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council  
Past EIR Subcommittee, PCAC  ​
Propeller Club of Los Angeles Long Beach
Public Utilities Commission (PUC)
Rancho Palos Verdes (RPV)
Ray Yumel ​
Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC)
San Pedro and Peninsula Homeowners Coalition
Shield Anderson, Budlong & Associates
State of California, Office of Planning and Research (OPR)
Somesh Debnath
South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)
South Coast Association of Government (SCAG)
William Lyte, Kennedy Jenks
William Yang, Yang Management
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (FEMA)
Viktoriya Kucherenko
2007 Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) — Certified 12/06/2007
Special Public Notice
TraPac FEIS/NEPA EIS Addendum
Addendum #1 - 06/06/2012
Addendum #2 - 06/30/2016
Final General Conformity Determination
Final General Conformity Determination (Attachments)
Cover Letter 
Executive Summary
Executive Summary in Spanish
Introduction and Contents
Mitigation List 
Findings of Fact and Statements of Overriding Considerations
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Response to Comments
2A: Federal Government
2B: State Government
2C: Regional Government and Local Government
2D: National Organizations A
2E: National Organizations B
2F: Community Groups
2G: Academic Institutions and Local Chapters
2H: Industry and Business Groups A
2I: Industry and Business Groups B
2J: Individuals
2K: Wilmington Residents A
2L: Wilmington Residents B
2M: Wilmington Residents C
2N: Wilmington Residents D and Attorney General Letter
Chapter 3: Modifications to the Draft EIR
3A: Executive Summary
3B: Chapter 3.1 Aesthetics
3C: Chapter 3.2 Air Quality
3D: Chapter 3.3 Biology
3E: Chapter 3.6 Ground Water
3F: Chapter 3.8 Land Use
3G: Chapter 3.9 Noise
3H: Chapter 3.13 Water Quality
3I: Chapter 4 Cumulative Analysis
3J: Chapter 5 Environmental Justice
3K: Chapter 10 References
3L: Chapter 12 Acronyms
3M: Appendix D
3N: Appendix H 404-B
Comment letters received on the 2007 Final EIR prior to the December 6, 2007 Board meeting:
Attorney General, State of California
California State Lands Commission
Center for Biological Diversity
Gabrielino/Tongva Tribal Council
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership
South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)
2007 Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)
Public Meeting Transcript
Executive Summary
Public Notice
Table of Contents
Cover Letter
Errata: Cover Letter
Errata: Executive Summary
Resumen Ejecutivo
Página Principal
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Project Description
Chapter 3: Environmental Analysis
Chapter 3.1: Aesthetics
Chapter 3.2: Air Quality
Chapter 3.3: Biology
Chapter 3.4: Cultural Resources
Chapter 3.5: Geology
Chapter 3.6: Groundwater and Soils
Chapter 3.7: Hazardous Materials
Chapter 3.8: Land Use
Chapter 3.9: Noise
Chapter 3.10: Transportation
Chapter 3.11: Marine Transportation
Chapter 3.12: Public Services
Chapter 3.13: Water Quality
Chapter 4: Cumulative Analysis
Chapter 5: Environmental Justice
Chapter 6: Alternatives 
Chapter 7: Socioeconomics
Chapter 8: Growth-Inducing Impacts
Chapter 9: Significant Irreversible Impacts
Chapter 10: References
Chapter 11: List of Preparers
Chapter 12: Acronyms
Appendix A: Initial Study/Notice of Preparation (NOP)/Notice of Intent (NOI)/Special Public Notice
Appendix B: PCAC Mitigation Measures/NNI
Appendix C: PCAC Involvement
Appendix D1-Sections 1 and 2: Criteria Pollutant Emissions Calculations
Appendix D1-Section 3: GHG Emissions Calculations
Appendix D2: Dispersion Modeling of Criteria Pollutants
Appendix D3: Health Risk Assessment Report
Appendix D4: Health Risk Assessments Emissions Calculations
Appendix D5: List of Selected References: Ultrafine Particles
Appendix D6: Health Risk Assessments: Background
Appendix D7: Health Risk Assessments: Additional Resources  
Appendix H: Draft Section 404 (b) (1) Alternatives Analysis
Appendix E: Transportation/Circulation
Appendix F: Aesthetics/Visual Resources
Appendix G: Environmental Justice
Appendix I: Throughput Methodology
Appendix J: Tsunami Report
Appendix K: Site Assessments and Remediation
Appendix L: Water Quality
Appendix M: Biological Resources
Appendix N: Noise
Comment letters from organizations received on the 2007 DEIR:
Advanced Cleanup Technologies, Inc (ACTI)
BC Laboratories
California Coastal Commission (CCC)
California Department of Transportation (DOT)
Center for Biological Diversity
Central City Association of Los Angeles
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Clean Energy
Coalition for a Safer Environment 
Department of Interior, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance (U.S. DOI)
Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC)
Harbor Association of Industry and Commerce (HAIC)
Harbor Vision Task Force, Los Angeles Chapter, Sierra Club
Los Angeles Audubon Society
Los Angeles Custom Brokers and Freight Forwarding
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
National Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Native American Heritage Commission
Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council
PCAC Air Quality Subcommittee
PCAC EIR Subcommittee 
San Pedro Chamber of Commerce
San Pedro and Peninsula Homeowner’s Coalition
Scenic America
South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)
Southern California Environmental Health Sciences Center
State Clearinghouse
U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
Wilmington Chamber of Commerce
Comment letters from individuals received on the 2007 DEIR:
Taleen Ananian
Skip Baldwin
Linda Bauer
Don Compton
Olivia Cueva-Fernandez
Ron Flisher
Arthur Hernandez
Terry Kang
John Miller
Ceclia Mora
Pat Nave
Richard Pawlowski
David Rattray
Dan Reilly
Alex San Andres
Joseph Towers
Kathleen Woodfield
Wilmington Boat Owners
Wilmington Residents
2003 Notice of Preparation (NOP)
2014 Final Environmental Report (FEIR) — Certified 11/07/2014
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
Title Page
Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations
Table of Contents/Acronyms and Abbreviations
Responses to Comments on Final EIS/EIR 
Notice of Determination
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Responses to Comments
Chapter 3: Modifications to the Draft EIS/EIR
Appendix F: Final Sediment Characterization Report for Berths 212-224 YTI Container Terminal Improvements Project
2014 Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)
Title Page
USACE Public Notice
POLA Public Notice (English)
Aviso Público, Puerto de Los Angeles (Español)
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Project Description
Chapter 3.0: Environmental Analysis
Chapter 3.1: Aesthetics and Visual Resources
Chapter 3.2: Air Quality and Meteorology
Chapter 3.3: Biological Resources
Chapter 3.4: Cultural Resources
Chapter 3.5: Geology
Chapter 3.6: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Chapter 3.7: Ground Transportation
Chapter 3.8: Groundwater and Soils
Chapter 3.9: Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Chapter 3.10: Land Use
Chapter 3.11 Marine Transportation
Chapter 3.12: Noise
Chapter 3.13: Public Services
Chapter 3.14: Utilities and Service Systems
Chapter 3.15 Water Quality, Sediments, and Oceanography
Chapter 4: Cumulative Analysis
Chapter 5: Environmental Justice
Chapter 6: Comparison of Alternatives
Chapter 7: Socioeconomics
Chapter 8: Growth-Inducing Impacts
Chapter 9: Significant Irreversible Impacts
Chapter 10: References
Chapter 11: List of Preparers and Contributors
Chapter 12: Acronyms
Cover, Title Page, and Table of Contents
Appendix A1: Notice of Intent/Notice of Preparation/Initial Study
Appendix A2: Notice of Intent/Notice of Preparation Public Comment Period Extension
Appendix A3: Scoping Comments
Appendix B1: Air Emissions
Appendix B2: Dispersion Modeling
Appendix B3: Health Risk Assessment
Appendix C1: CNDDB Summary Tables  
Appendix C2: Photographs of Vegetation on the Project Site  
Appendix C3: Essential Fish Habitat Assessment  
Appendix D1: Existing Traffic Counts
Appendix D2: Intersection Level of Service Worksheets
Appendix D3: Freeway Analysis-HCS Level of Service Worksheets
Appendix E: Regulatory Records Database Report
Appendix F: Sediment Characterization Report
2013 Notice of Preparation (NOP)
Cover Letter
Página Principal
2017 Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) — Certified 10/19/2017
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Response to Comments*
Chapter 3: Modifications to the Draft EIS/EIR
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations
2017 Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)
Cover Page
USACE Public Notice
POLA Public Notice (English)
Aviso Público, Puerto de Los Angeles (Español)
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Project Description
Chapter 3.0: Environmental Analysis
Chapter 3.1: Aesthetics and Visual Resources
Chapter 3.2: Air Quality and Meteorology
Chapter 3.4: Cultural Resources
Chapter 3.5: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Chapter 3.6: Ground Transportation
Chapter 3.7: Groundwater and Soils
Chapter 3.8: Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Chapter 3.9 Marine Transportation
Chapter 3.10: Noise
Chapter 3.11: Water Quality
Chapter 4: Cumulative Analysis
Chapter 5: Environmental Justice
Chapter 6: Comparison of Alternatives
Chapter 7: Socioeconomics
Chapter 8: Growth-Inducing Impacts
Chapter 9: Significant Irreversible Impacts
Chapter 10: References
Chapter 11: List of Preparers and Contributors
Chapter 12: Acronym
Appendix A: Notice of Intent/Notice of Preparation/Initial Study
Appendix B1: Air Quality Regulations/Methodology and Air Quality GHG Emissions
Appendix B2: Air Quality Dispersion Modeling
Appendix B3: Health Risk Assessment
Appendix B4: Draft General Conformity Determination  
Appendix C: Essential Fish Habitat Assessment 
Appendix D: Cultural Resources Evalutation 
Appendix E1: Traffic Count Methodology
Appendix E2: Traffic Count Worksheets
Appendix F1: Sampling and Analysis Report
Appendix F2: Evaluation of Dredged Material Disposal Options
2014 Notice of Preparation (NOP)
Cover Letter
Página Principal
2021 EIR Addendum #2
2016 EIR/EIS Addendum #1 – Certified 10/24/2016
October 2016 EIR/EIS Addendum
Revised Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
2012 Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) — Certified 06/07/12
2011 Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
Cover Page
Readers Guide (English)
POLA Public Notice (English)
POLA Public Notice (Español)
POLA Public Notice (Corrected)
USACE Public Notice
Executive Summary
Readers Guide (Español)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Project Description
Chapter 3.0: Environmental Analysis
Chapter 3.1: Aesthetics and Visual Resources
Chapter 3.2: Air Quality and Meteorology
Chapter 3.3: Biological Resources
Chapter 3.4: Cultural Resources
Chapter 3.5: Geology
Chapter 3.6: Ground Transportation
Chapter 3.7: Groundwater and Soils
Chapter 3.8: Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Chapter 3.9: Land Use
Chapter 3.10: Marine Transportation
Chapter 3.11: Noise
Chapter 3.12: Recreation
Chapter 3.13: Public Services and Utilities
Chapter 3.14: Water Quality, Sediments and Oceanography
Chapter 4: Cumulative Analysis
Chapter 5: Environmental Justice
Chapter 6: Alternatives
Chapter 7: Socioeconomics
Chapter 8: Growth-Inducing Impacts
Chapter 9: Significant Irreversible Changes
Chapter 10: References
Chapter 11: List of Preparers and Contributors
Chapter 12: Acronyms
List of Appendices
Appendix A: Notice of Intent/Notice of Preparation/Initial Study
Appendix B: PCAC Involvement
Appendix C: Throughput Assumptions
Appendix D: Aesthetics and Visual Resources, Visual Simulation Method and Photograph Collection
Appendix F: Biological Resources
Appendix F2: APL Biological Survey Pictures
Appendix F3: Essential Fish Habitat Assessment
Appendix G: Cultural Resources - Results of Section 106 Coordination
Appendix C2: White Paper on the Terminal Capacity of Pier 300 with the Automation of the 41-Acre Backland at Proposed Berth 306
Appendix H: Ground Transportation
Appendix H2: Grade Crossing Delay Calculation Methodology Including Mathmatetical Derivation of Delay Equation
Appendix E: Air Quality, Greenhouse Gases, and Health Risk Assessment
Appendix I: The EDR Radius Map™ Report with GeoCheck®
Appendix E2: Air Dispersion Modeling
Appendix E3: Health Risk Assessment Technical Memorandum
Appendix J: Water Supply Assessment
Appendix K: Final APL Terminal Dredged Material Characterization Study Berths 302-306
2009 Notice of Preparation (NOP)
Cover Letter
Página Principal
2017 Addendum to Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR)
Addendum #2 to the City Dock #1 Marine Research Center Project Final EIR
2013 Addendum to Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR)
Addendum to Final Environmental Impact Report
2012 Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) — Certified 10/18/2012
City Dock No. 1 Marine Research Center Project Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR)
Draft Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
2010 Notice of Preparation (NOP)
Notice of Preparation
Powerpoint Presentation from January 13, 2011 Public Meeting
Meeting Transcript from January 13, 2011 Public Meeting
Comment letters received on the 2010 Draft NOP:
Proteus Environmental Technologies
Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council
Coalition for a Safe Environment
LA Maritime Institute TopSail Youth Program
2012 Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)
Fact Sheet (English)
Detalles Principales (Español)
Public Notice (English)
Aviso Público (Español)
Executive Summary
Complete DEIR
Title Page
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Project Description
Chapter 3 - Environmental Analysis
Section 3.1 - Aesthetics
Section 3.2 - Air Quality
Section 3.3 - Biological Resources
Section 3.4 - Cultural Resources
Section 3.5 - Geology and Soils
Section 3.6 - Groundwater and Soils
Section 3.7 - Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Section 3.8 - Land Use and Planning
Section 3.9 - Noise
Section 3.10 - Public Services
Section 3.11 - Transportation and Circulation - Ground and Marine  
Section 3.12 - Utilities
Section 3.13 - Water Quality, Sediments and Oceanography
Chapter 4 - Cumulative Impacts
Chapter 5 - Project Alternatives
Chapter 6 - Environmental Justice
Chapter 7 - Socioeconomics and Environmental Quality
Chapter 8 - Growth-Inducing Impacts
Chapter 9 - Significant Irreversible Impacts
Chapter 10 - References
Chapter 11 - List of Preparers
Chapter 12 - Acronyms
Title Page - Appendices
Table of Contents - Appendices
All Appendices
Appendix A - Initial Study/Notice of Preparation
Appendix B - Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculations
Appendix C - Traffic Study
Appendix D - Special-Status Species
Appendix E - Historic Resources Evaluation Report
Appendix F - Sewer Capacity Report
2008 Joint Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement/ Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (Final SEIS/SEIR) with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers — Certified 11/20/2008
Special Public Notice
Response to Comments
Mitigation List
Board Letter dated November 14, 2008
Findings of Fact and Statements of Overriding Considerations
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2: Response to Comments
Modifications to Chapter 1 Introduction
Modifications to Chapter 2 Project Description
2A Federal Government
2B State Government
2C Regional Local Government
2E Business Labor
2F San Pedro Wilmington Community
2G Individual Companies
2H Public Hearing
Chapter 3 Modifications to the EIR
Chapter 3-1 Visual and Aesthetics
Chapter 3-2 Air Quality
Chapter 3-3 Biological Resources
Chapter 3-4 Cultural Resources
Chapter 3-5 Geology
Chapter 3-6 Ground Transportation
Chapter 3-7 Groundwater
Chapter 3-9 Marine Transportation
Chapter 3-10 Noise
Chapter 3-12 Risk of Upset
Chapter 3-14 Water Quality
Chapter 4 Cumulative
Chapter 10 References
Chapter 11 List of Preparers
Chapter 12 Acronyms and Glossary
Appendix D1 Throughput
Appendix E Project Detail Elements
Appendix H2 Operational Emissions
Appendix J Biological Assessment
Appendix K EFH
Appendix Q Draft 404b1
2008 Joint Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement/Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIS/SEIR) with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Subsequent/Supplemental Document: The development of a deep-draft marine oil terminal on Pier 400 is consistent with the project that was originally envisioned and analyzed in the Deep Draft EIS/EIR and therefore is not a major revision to the original project. The proposed project is on land that was created as a result of the environmental review and approvals that occurred during the original Deep Draft EIS/EIR process. However, the LAHD is designating this document as a Subsequent EIR (and the USACE is considering it a Supplemental EIS) because it represents not simply an updating of the Deep Draft EIS/EIR, but a full, project-specific EIR that tiers from the Deep Draft EIS/EIR.
Pacific L.A. Marine Terminal Overview
Executive Summary
Resumen Ejecutivo
Reader’s Summary
Table of Contents
Meeting Transcript
Meeting Presentation
Cover Letter
Página Principal
Joint Public Notice
Joint Public Notice - Amended
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Project Description
Chapter 3: Environmental Analysis
Chapter 3.1: Aesthetics
Chapter 3.2: Air Quality
Chapter 3.3: Biology
Chapter 3.4: Cultural Resources
Chapter 3.5: Geology
Chapter 3.6: Ground Transportation
Chapter 3.7: Groundwater and Soils
Chapter 3.8: Land Use
Chapter 3.9: Marine Transportation
Chapter 3.10: Noise
Chapter 3.11: Recreation
Chapter 3.12: Risk of Upset and Hazards
Chapter 3.13: Utilities
Chapter 3.14: Water Quality
Chapter 3.15: Population
Chapter 4: Cumulative Analysis
Chapter 5: Environmental Justice
Chapter 6: Alternatives
Chapter 7: Socioeconomics
Chapter 8: Growth-Inducing Impacts
Chapter 9: Significant Irreversible Impacts
Chapter 10: References
Chapter 11: List of Preparers
Chapter 12: Acronyms
Appendix A: Initial Study/Notice of Preparation (NOP)/Notice of Intent (NOI)/Special Public Notice
Appendix B: PCAC Mitigation Measures/NNI
Appendix C: PCAC Involvement
Appendix D1: Throughput
Appendix D2: California's Uncertain Oil Future
Appendix D3: Southern California Petroleum Market Assessment
Appendix E: Project Description Details
Appendix F: Single Point Mooring Evaluation
Appendix G: Visual Resources
Appendix H1: Construction Emissions
Appendix H2: Operation Emissions
Appendix H3: Health Risk Assessments: Background
Appendix H4: Health Risk Assessment Report
Appendix H5: HRA Calculations
Appendix H6: List of Selected Air Quality References
Appendix H7: Additional Air Quality References
Appendix I: Caulerpa Protocol and Bio Baseline
Appendix J: Biological Resources
Appendix K: Essential Fish Habitat
Appendix L: Navcon Engineering Noise Reports
Appendix M: Tsunami Report
Appendix N: Ground Transportation
Appendix O: Site Assessment
Appendix P: Noise Modeling Reports
Appendix Q: Draft 404b1 Analysis
Appendix R: Risk of Upset/Hazard Modeling Results
Appendix S: Utilities & Public Services Supplement
Appendix T: Environmental Justice
Comment letters received on 2008 Draft SEIS/SEIR:
Amy Lambert
Amy Thornberry and Jim Pike
Anne Daub
Armando Cortez Garcia
Behjat Zanjani, IEM
Beth Elliot
Beth Sohngen Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
Betsy Cheek
California Energy Commission (CEC)
California Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors Association
California State Lands
Carrol Shaw-Sutton
Cathy Beauregard
Central City Association of Los Angeles
Charlie Rico, Wilmington Lions Club
City of Rancho Palos Verdes (RPV)
Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council (CSP NC)
Communities for a Better Environment (CBE)
Daisy Ybarra
Dan Hoffman
Daniel Domonoske, Potential Industries
Daniel Nord (1)
Daniel Nord (2)
Darren Stroud, Ultramar
David Nichol
Deborah Berg
Dennis Lord
Donna Ethington
Elizabeth Brazil
Eugene Daub
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Fran Siegel
Frank Herrera, Wilmington Lions Club
Future Ports Joe Gatlin
Gary Dwight
Gary Kern
Genesa Wagoner
Gojko Spralja
Harbor Association of Industy and Commerce (HAIC)
Harbor City/Harbor Gateway Chamber of Commerce
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 11
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 11 3 Arthur Bartlett
Iron Workers Local 433
James Cross
Jerry Asplund
Jody James
John Beal
John Maver
Kathleen Woodfield and John Miller
Kelly Limberg
Ken Fredrickson
LaDonna DiCammillo, BNSF  
Linda Day
Lomita Chamber of Commerce (Lomita COC)
Los Angeles Business Council (LABC)
Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce (LA COC)
Los Angeles County Coaltion of Labor (LA AFL CIO)
Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC)
Marie Thibeault
Marine Exchange of Southern California
Mark Stussey, Manson Construction
Martine Garcia
Marty Barrera
Mary Gutierrez
Mehmet Pehlivan
Melanie Ellen Jones and Peter Warren 
Mitchell Weiss, Pipeline Contractors Association of Southern California
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC)
Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council (NWSPNC)
Past EIR Subcommittee, PCAC (PCAC EIR)
Peter Warren Department of Interior (DOI)
Pile Drivers, Bridge, Dock and Wharf Builders, Local Union 2375
Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (RH COC)
Richard Havenick, Air Quality Subcommittee, PCAC (PCAC AQ)
Robert White
Robin Sterling
Ruben Diaz
San Pedro and Peninsula Homeowners Coalition (SPPHOC)
San Pedro Chamber of Commerce (SPCOC)
Shield Anderson
Shirley Atencio
South Bay Chamber of Commerce (SB COC) Los Angeles and Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council
South Bay Latinos Chamber of Commerce
South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)
Ted Twine
The Chamber, Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce (LB COC)
Thomas Poe, Poe Communications
Toni Martinovich
Toni Plescia
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Vern Hall
Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA)
William Carroll
Wilmington Chamber of Commerce (WCOC)
Wilmington Coordinating Council
Wilmington Neighborhood Council (WNC)
The City of Los Angeles Harbor Department has reviewed the Final Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2009081079) prepared for the Pier B Railyard Project and certified on January 12, 2018 by the Port of Long Beach (Lead Agency) and the Addendum to the Final EIR considered by the Port of Long Beach on August 28, 2023. The Harbor Department, as a Responsible Agency under CEQA with respect to Harbor Department’s approvals and permits, is required to (1) participate in consultations with the Lead Agency, (2) provide comments, if any, on the project portion it is approving, and (3) consider the Lead Agency’s CEQA document, prior to acting on a project. 
2009 Joint Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement/Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIS/SEIR) with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District — Certified 04/29/2009
Final Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Consideration
Final Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
Final Mitigation List
Draft Attachment 1 to Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Consideration
Draft Attachment 2 to Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Consideration 
Cover Letter
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Project Description
Chapter 3.0: Affected Environment
Chapter 3.1: Aesthetics and Visual Resources
Chapter 3.2: Air Quality
Chapter 3.3: Biological Resources
Chapter 3.4: Cultural Resources
Chapter 3.5: Geology
Chapter 3.6: Ground Transportation
Chapter 3.7: Hazardous Materials
Chapter 3.8: Land Use
Chapter 3.9: Marine Transportation
Chapter 3.10: Noise
Chapter 3.11: Recreation
Chapter 3.12: Utilities
Chapter 3.13: Water Quality
Chapter 3.14: Indirect Impacts of Future Development
Chapter 4: Socioeconomics
Chapter 5: Environmental Justice
Chapter 6: Cumulative Analysis
Chapter 7: Long Term Implications
Chapter 8: Compliance with Environmental Requirements
Chapter 9: Distribution List
Chapter 10: List of Preparers
Chapter 11: Acronyms
Chapter 12: Index
Chapter 13: References
Chaper 14: Comments and Responses on Draft EIS/EIR
Appendix A: Channel Deepening Project Volume History
Appendix B: Draft Section 404 (b) (1) Alternatives
Appendix C: Air Quality Emissions Calculations
Appendix D: 2004 Notice of Intent (NOI)/Notice of Preparation (NOP)/Initial Study
Appendix E: 2005 Supplemental Notice of Intent (NOI)/Notice of Preparation (NOP)
Appendix F. Construction Schedules and Equipment Lists
Appendix G-1 2004 Monthly Water Quality Sampling Results 
Appendix G-2 Contaminated Sediment BMP Selection Table
Appendix H. Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles Year 2000 Biological Baseline Study of San Pedro Bay
Appendix I. Mailing List
Appendix J. Agency Coordination
Appendix K. Mitigation Monitoring Program
Appendix L. NOAA Fisheries Caulpera Control Protocol
Appendix M. Conformity Determination
2009 Memo Report on Berths 243-245
Comment Letters received on 2009 EIR:
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, April 11, 2009
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (LAHD response) 
State Assemblymember Bonnie Lowenthal, April 13, 2009
State Assemblymember Bonnie Lowenthal (LAHD response)
Don Knabe, Los Angeles County, April 22, 2009
Don Knabe (LAHD response)
City of Los Angeles Councilwoman Janice Hahn, April 14, 2009
Councilwoman Janice Hahn (LAHD response)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), April 16, 2009
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, (U.S. EPA) (LAHD response) 
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), April 15, 2009
Natural Resources Defense Council, (NRDC) (LAHD response)
Brandt and Hawley, April 8, 2009
Brandt and Hawley (LAHD response)
Los Angeles Conservancy, January 8, 2009
Los Angeles Conservancy (LAHD response)
San Pedro Chamber of Commerce, April 15, 2009
San Pedro Chamber of Commerce (LAHD response)
Al Larson, April 20, 2009
Al Larson (LAHD response)
Mitch White, April 23, 2009
Mitch White (LAHD response)
Maillian Associates Design, April 28, 2009
Maillian Associates (LAHD response)
State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO),April 29, 2009  
Attachment 1
Attachment A
Attachment B  
Attachment C
Attachment D
2008 Joint Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement/ Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Draft SEIS/SEIR) with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District
The proposed Project is to complete the Channel Deepening Project as authorized by Congress in WRDA 2000. WRDA 2000 authorized dredging of the Main Channel of the Port and associated features (berths) to allow the new generation of deeper draft container vessels that require a depth of -53 feet to navigate and access the container terminals along the Main Channel of the Port. Construction of the Channel Deepening Project was initiated in September 2002 (the original Project was analyzed in the September 2000 Channel Deepening Project Draft EIS/EIR). The 2002 Channel Deepening Project has resulted in more dredge material than initially estimated and additional disposal capacity is needed. The SEIS/SEIR analyzes completing the project and adding disposal capacity.
Cover Letter
Página Principal
Corps Notice of Availability
Executive Summary
Resumen Ejecutivo
Public Meeting Agenda
Public Meeting Presentation 
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Project Description
Chapter 3.0: Affected Environment
Chapter 3.1: Aesthetics and Visual Resources
Chapter 3.2: Air Quality
Chapter 3.3: Biological Resources
Chapter 3.4: Cultural Resources
Chapter 3.5: Geology
Chapter 3.6: Ground Transportation
Chapter 3.7: Hazardous Materials
Chapter 3.8: Land Use
Chapter 3.9: Marine Transportation
Chapter 3.10: Noise
Chapter 3.11: Recreation
Chapter 3.12: Utilities
Chapter 3.13: Water Quality
Chapter 4: Socioeconomics
Chapter 5: Environmental Justice
Chapter 6: Cumulative Analysis
Chapter 7: Long Term Implications
Chapter 8: Comparison of Alternatives
Chapter 9: Distribution List
Chapter 10: List of Preparers
Chapter 11: Acronyms
Chapter 12: Index
Chapter 13: References
Appendix A: Channel Deepening Project Volume History
Appendix B: Draft Section 404 (b) (1) Alternatives
Appendix C: Air Quality Data
Appendix D: 2004 Notice of Intent (NOI)/Notice of Preparation (NOP)/Initial Study
Appendix E: 2005 Supplemental Notice of Intent (NOI)/Notice of Preparation (NOP)
Appendix F. Construction Schedules and Equipment Lists
Appendix G-1 2004 Monthly Water Quality Sampling Results
Appendix G-2 Contaminated Sediment BMP Selection Table
Appendix H. Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles Year 2000 Biological Baseline Study of San Pedro Bay
Appendix I. Mailing List
Appendix J. Biological Resources Coordination
2014 Addendum to the Final Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR)
2013 Final Program Environmental Impact Report (FPEIR) — Certified 08/08/2013
Responses to Comments, Volume 1
Responses to Comments, Volume 2
Responses to Comments, Volume 3
Modifications to the Draft PEIR
Appendix A: Port Master Plan
Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerings
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Notice of Determination
2013 Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (DPEIR)
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Public Notice
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Project Description
Chapter 3 - Environmental Analysis
Section 3.1 - Aesthetics
Section 3.2 - Air Quality
Section 3.3 - Biological Resources
Section 3.4 - Cultural Resources
Section 3.5 - Geology
Section 3.6 - Groundwater and Soils
Section 3.7 - Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Section 3.8 - Land Use
Section 3.9 - Noise
Section 3.10 - Public Services
Section 3.11 - Recreation
Section 3.12 - Transportation and Circulation
Section 3.13 - Utilities
Section 3.14 - Water Quality, Sediments and Oceanography
Chapter 4 - Cumulative Impacts
Chapter 5 - Project Alternatives
Chapter 6 - Environmental Justice
Chapter 7 - Socioeconomics and Environmental Quality
Chapter 8 - Growth-Inducing Impacts
Chapter 9 - Significant Irreversible Impacts
Chapter 10 - References
Chapter 11 - List of Preparers
Chapter 12 - Acronyms
Appendix A - Draft Port Master Plan Update
Appendix B - Notice of Preparation/Initial Study and Comment Letters
Appendix C - Aesthetics/Visual Resources
Appendix D - Air Quality
Appendix E - Historic Resources Evaluation Report
Appendix F - Ground Transportation
2012 Notice of Preparation and Initial Study (NOP/IS)
2009 Joint Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (FEIS/FEIR) — Certified 09/29/2009
This project-specific assessment is carried out in accordance with CEQA to address the environmental impacts of the San Pedro Waterfront Project. It may not address mitigation of all existing/pre-project effects below the CEQA baseline that might occur on or off of Port property. These effects are outside of CEQA and being addressed through broad Port programs such as the San Pedro Bay Clean Air Action Plan, Water Resources Action Plan, and a community mitigation agreement. However, this EIR does identify cumulative impacts in a number of areas that occur adjacent to or off of Port land.
Final Proposed Project Summary
Table of Contents
Title Page
Public Meeting Presentation (LAHD)
Public Meeting Transcript
Public Meeting Video
Board Report for 09/29/09 Meeting
Amended 9/29/09 Board Letter with Approved Motions
Final Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations (FOF/SOC)
Final Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
Final Mitigation List
Cost Estimates For Public and Private Investment
Project Summary
San Pedro Waterfront Project Fact Sheet
FEIR Public Comment Letters List
Government Officials
State Agency
Non-profit and Community Groups
Business Groups
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Response to Comments
Chapter 3: Modifications to the Draft EIS/EIR
Appendix B: Supplemental Attachments to PCAC Project Involvement
Appendix C.3: Landscape Inventory
Appendix D.3: Health Risk Assessment
Appendix D.7: Draft General Conformity Determination
Appendix M: Traffic Impact Study Report
Appendix O: Water Supply Assessment
Appendix Q: Section 404 (B)(1) Alternative Analysis
Addendum for Warehouses 9&10
Addendum for the Los Angeles Maritime Institute Relocation Project
Addendum for the Harbor Boulevard/7th Street/Sampson Way Intersection Improvements
Addendum for the Jankovich Company Relocation Project
Addendum for the San Pedro Public Market Project
Addendum for the San Pedro Public Market 2
2008 Joint Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (DEIS/DEIR)
This project-specific assessment is carried out in accordance with CEQA to address the environmental impacts of the San Pedro Waterfront Project. It may not address mitigation of all existing/pre-project effects below the CEQA baseline that might occur on or off of Port property. These effects are outside of CEQA and being addressed through broad Port programs such as the San Pedro Bay Clean Air Action Plan and a community mitigation agreement. However, this EIR does identify cumulative impacts in a number of areas that occur adjacent to or off of port land including Air Quality, Land Use and Aesthetics.
Cover Letter
Joint Notice
Executive Summary
Reader’s Summary
Public Meeting Presentation
Public Meeting Video
Public Meeting Transcript
Resumen de Lector
Página Principal
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Project Description
Chapter 3.0: Environmental Analysis
Chapter 3.1: Aesthetics
Chapter 3.2: Air Quality
Chapter 3.3: Biological Resources
Chapter 3.4: Cultural Resources
Chapter 3.5: Geology
Chapter 3.6: Groundwater and Soils
Chapter 3.7: Hazardous Materials
Chapter 3.8: Land Use
Chapter 3.9: Noise
Chapter 3.10: Recreation
Chapter 3.11: Transportation (Ground)
Chapter 3.12: Transportation (Marine)
Chapter 3.13: Utilities
Chapter 3.14: Water Quality
Chapter 4: Cumulative Analysis
Chapter 5: Environmental Justice
Chapter 6: Comparison of Alternatives
Chapter 7: Socioeconomics
Chapter 8: Growth-Inducing Impacts
Chapter 9: Significant Irreversible Changes
Chapter 10: References
Chapter 11: List of Preparers
Chapter 12: Acronyms
Appendix A: Notice of Intent (NOI)/Notice of Preparation (NOP)/Initial Study
Appendix B: PCAC Mitigation Measures/NNI
Appendix C1: Wireframe Modeling Study I
Appendix C2: San Pedro Waterfront Design Guidelines
Appendix D1: Criteria Pollutant Emissions
Appendix D2: Dispersion Modeling
Appendix D3: Health Risk Assessment
Appendix D4: Calculation Methodology for GHG
Appendix D5: Carbon Monoxide Intersection Modeling
Appendix D6: Construction Emissions Tables  G
Appendix E8: Selected Cross Sections for Water-Side Construction Elements
Appendix E9: Essential Fish Habitat Assessment
Appendix F.1: Paleontology Report
Appendix F.2: Archaeological Survey Report
Appendix F.3: Historical Built Environment report (Architectural Resources)
Appendix E1: Existing Marine Resources along Waterfront
Appendix E2: Flora and Fauna Compendium
Appendix E3: Survey for Black-Crowned Night Herons and Great Blue Herons
Appendix E4: USACE Memorandum
Appendix E5: Bird Species
Appendix E6: Special Status Species’ Biology and Likelihood of Occurrence Analysis
Appendix E.7: Biological Assessment of Eel Grass in the Vicinity of a Proposed Rock Groin
Appendix G: None
Appendix H: Preliminary Hazardous Materials Assessment, San Pedro Waterfront Project prepared by Ninyo & Moore in 2008
Appendix I: None
Appendix J: None
Appendix K: Noise Data – Average Daily Traffic (ADT)
Appendix L: None
Appendix M1: Traffic Data
Appendix M2: Appendices Traffic Data
Appendix N: None
Appendix O: None
Appendix P1: Enhanced Monthly Water Quality Monitoring Data
Appendix P2: Sediment Sample Measurements and Chemistry
Comment letters received on the 2008 DEIR:
California State Lands Commission
City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Los Angeles Department of Transporation
Metropolitan Transportation Agency
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)
United States Coast Guard
Group 1 Organizations: Sierra Club Harbor Vision Task Force, Port Community Advisory Committee Coordinated Plan Subcommittee Letter, Dalmatian-American Club of San Pedro, Inc., Foreign Trade Association of Southern California, Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., Latham & Watkins, Hurricane Gulch Yacht Club, Crystal Cruises, The Seamen’s Church Institute, Torrance Chamber of Commerce, Cruise Lines International Association, Inc., Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association, Los Angeles Maritime Museum, Metro Cruise, Pacific Cruise Ship Terminals LLC
Group 2 Organizations: Pacific Corridor Community Advisory Committee, South Bay Association of Chambers of Commerce, Croatian American Club, Coalition for a Safe Environment, Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce, Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce, Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council, Marine Clerks Association Local 63
Group 3 Organizations: Sierra Club
Group 4 Organizations: Sierra Club, continued
Group 5 Organizations: South Coast Interfaith Council, Grand Vision Foundation, Los Angeles Maritime Institute, Port Community Advisory Committee Air Quality Subcommittee, Pacific Harbor Line, Wilson Meany Sullivan, Lomita Chamber of Commerce, Port Community Advisory Committee Light, Aesthetics, and Noise Subcommittee, Princess Cruises, LA INC The Visitors and Convention Bureau, U.S. Merchant Marine Veterans World War II
Individuals, Group 1
Individuals, Group 2
Individuals, Group 3
Individuals, Group 4
Individuals, Group 5
Individuals, Group 6
Individuals, Group 7
Individuals, Group 8
Individuals, Group 9
2007 Notice of Preparation/Notice of Intent (NOP/NOI)
Revisions made to the NOP since its release in December 2006
Comment Letters List
NOP Comments 1
NOP Comments 2
NOP Comments 3
NOP Comments 4
Scoping Meeting Transcript (01/23/07)
Verbatim Transcript of Public Scoping Meeting
Special Public Notice 
Aviso Público Especial
Figure 1: Scoping Meeting
Figura 1: Lugar de reunión
Figure 2: Regional Location 
Figura 2: Ubicación regional
Figure 3: Local Vicinity
Figura 3: Vecindario local
Figure 4: Existing Conditions
Figura 4: Condiciones actuales
Figure 5: Proposed Project 
Figura 5: Proyecto propuesto
Figure 6: Project Alternative
Figura 6: Proyecto alternativo
Figure 7: Proposed New Construction
Figura 7: Senderos propuestos
Figure 8: Port Redevelopment 
Figura 8: Reurbanización de Puerto
2012 Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) — Certified 03/07/2013
Cover Letter
Final Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
Meeting Location Notice
Final Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations
Board report (February 28, 2013)
Final EIR Responses to Comments (March 7, 2013)
Staff Presentation (March 7, 2013)
Final Errata List (March 7, 2013)
Notice of Determination (March 7, 2013)
Notice of Determination (May 8, 2013)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Response to Comments (Volume I)
Chapter 2: Response to Comments (Volume II)
Chapter 3 Modifications to the EIR
Appendix C1:  Criteria Pollutant and GHG Emission Calculations
Appendix C2: Dispersion Modeling of Criteria Pollutants
Appendix C3: Health Risk Assessment
Appendix G1: Intersection Calculation Sheets
Appendix G1: SCIG Transportation Appendix
Appendix G4: Intermodal Rail Analysis
Appendix I: Compilation of Attachments from Comment Letters on the Recirculated Draft EIR and Draft EIR (Volume I)
Appendix I: Compilation of Attachments from Comment Letters on the Recirculated Draft EIR and Draft EIR (Volume II)
Appendix F: Noise Technial Study
2012 Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (RDEIR)

Chapters and appendices not recirculated can be found in the 2011 Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) below.

Notice of Availability
Table of Contents
Cover Page
Executive Summary
Public Review Period Clarification
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Project Description
Chapter 3.0: Environmental Analysis
Chapter 3.1: Aesthetics/Visual Resources
Chapter 3.2: Air Quality and Meteorology
Chapter 3.6: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change
Chapter 3.7: Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Chapter 3.8: Land Use
Chapter 3.9: Noise
Chapter 3.10: Transportation/Circulation
Chapter 4: Cumulative Analysis
Chapter 5: Alternatives
Chapter 6: Environmental Justice
Chapter 7: Socioeconomics and Environmental Quality
Chapter 10: References
Chapter 12: Acronyms
Appendix C1 (Air Quality Appendices): Criteria Pollutant and GHG Emission Calculations
Appendix C2 (Air Quality Appendices): Dispersion Modeling of Criteria Pollutants for the Southern California International Gateway Project
Appendix C3 (Air Quality Appendices): Health Risk Assessment for the Southern California Intermodal Gateway (SCIG)
Appendix F1: SCIG Noise Technical Study
Appendix G1: SCIG Transportation Appendix
Appendix G2: SCIG Rail Simulation Modeling Study
Appendix G4: Intermodal Rail Analysis
Appendix H: Summary of Changes
Public Hearing Presentation
2011 Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) 

*Chapters and appendices marked with asterisks have been superseded by revised versions in the September 2012 Recirculated Draft EIR above.

*Cover Page
*Table of Contents
*Executive Summary
*Chapter 1: Introduction
*Chapter 2: Project Description
*Chapter 3.0: Environmental Analysis
*Chapter 3.1: Aesthetics/Visual Resources
*Chapter 3.2: Air Quality and Meteorology
Chapter 3.3: Biological Resources
Chapter 3.4: Cultural Resources
Chapter 3.5: Geology and Soils
*Chapter 3.6: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change
*Chapter 3.7: Hazards and Hazardous Materials
*Chapter 3.8: Land Use
*Chapter 3.9: Noise
*Chapter 3.10: Transportation/Circulation
Chapter 3.11: Public Services and Utilities
Chapter 3.12: Water Resources
*Chapter 4: Cumulative Analysis
*Chapter 5: Alternatives
*Chapter 6: Environmental Justice
*Chapter 7: Socioeconomics and Environmental Quality
Chapter 8: Growth-Inducing Impacts
Chapter 9: Significant Irreversible Changes
*Chapter 10: References
Chapter 11: List of Preparers and Contributors
*Chapter 12: Acronyms
Appendix A: Notice of Intent/Notice of Preparation/Initial Study
Appendix B: Aesthetics Visual Resource Methodology
*Appendix C1 (Air Quality Appendices): Criteria Pollutant and GHG Emission Calculations
*Appendix C2 (Air Quality Appendices): Dispersion Modeling of Criteria Pollutants for the Southern California International Gateway Project
*Appendix C3 (Air Quality Appendices): Health Risk Assessment for the Southern California Intermodal Gateway (SCIG)
Appendix D: SCIG Cultural and Paleontological Reports
Appendix E: SCIG Environmental Site Assessments
*Appendix F1: SCIG Noise Technical Study
Appendix F2: Combined Analysis of SCIG and ICTF Facilities – Supporting Noise Data
*Appendix G1: SCIG Transportation Appendix
*Appendix G2: SCIG Rail Simulation Modeling Study
Appendix G3: Traffic Grade Crossing Delay Methodology
2005 Notice of Preparation (NOP)
Cover Letter (English/Español) 
Notice of Preparation 
Figure 1 
Figure 2 
Figure 3 
Project Description 
Environmental Checklist 
10/13/05 Scoping Meeting Transcript 
10/06/05 Scoping Meeting Transcript 
NOP Comment 1 
NOP Comment 2 
NOP Comment 3 
NOP Comment 4 
NOP Comment 5 
2008 Addendum to Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
2003 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Final SEIR) — Certified 12/03/2003
Final SEIR
2002 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Draft SEIR)
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Project Description
Chapter 3.0: Environment Analysis
Chapter 3.1: Land Use
Chapter 3.2: Traffic
Chapter 3.3: Meteorology and Air Quality  
Chapter 3.4: Noise  
Chapter 3.5: Light and Glare
Chapter 3.6: Aesthetics
Chapter 3.7: Geology
Chapter 3.8: Ground Water and Soil Sediments
Chapter 3.9: Water Quality and Oceanography
Chapter 3.10: Biota and Habitats  
Chapter 3.11: Cultural Resources
Chapter 3.12: Public Services and Utilities
Chapter 3.13: Recreation
Chapter 3.14: Risk of Upset
Chapter 4: Environmental Justice  
Chapter 5: Boat Launch Analysis  
Chapter 6: Alternatives  
Chapter 7: Growth Inducing Impacts
Chapter 8: Significant Irreversible Changes
Chapter 9: References
Chapter 10: List of Preparers
Chapter 11: Acronym List
Figure ES-1_RegionalLocation
Figure ES-2_ProjVicin
Figure ES-3_LandUse
Figure ES-4_SitePlan
Figure ES-5_IllusSitePlan
Figure ES-6_IllusSitePlanVill
Figure ES-7_DryStackElev
​Figure F-1_GeolX-Section
Figure F-2_RegionalFaultMap
Figure F-3_SubsidenceWC ​​
Figure 2-2_ProjVicin
Figure 2-4_SitePlan 
Figure 2-5_IllusSitePlan
Figure 2-6_IllusSitePlanVill
Figure 2-7_DryStackElev
Figure 2-8_CutandFill
Figure 3-1_Cummulative Projects
Figure 3.1-1_LandUse
Figure 3.1-2_Jurisdictions
Figure 3.1-3_PlanningArea1
Figure 3.1-4_PlanningArea2
Figure 3.2-1-studyarea
Figure 3.2-2-transit
Figure 3.2-3_VesselCirc
Figure 3.2-4-Traffic-TripDistribution
Figure 3.2-5-Traffic-IntersectionConfiguration
Figure 3.4-2_Receptors
Figure 3.6-1_SitePhotos
Figure 3.6-2_SitePhotos
Figure 3.6-3_SitePhotos
Figure 3.6-4_AreaswithViews
Figure 3.6-5_Views-Roadways
Figure 3.6-6_Views-FTMcA-Beach
Figure 3.6-7_View-Lookout
Figure 3.6-8_PropArchDesign
Figure 3.6-9_Comp-MinerSt
Figure 3.6-10_Comp-Crescent
Figure 3.6-11_Comp-QmCt
Figure 3.6-12_Comp-Beach
Figure 3.6-13_Comp-Lookout
Figrue 3.7-1_RegionalFaults
Figure 3.7-2_PVFaultZone
Figure 3.7-3_Liquifaction
Figure 3.8-1_AerialofParcels
Figure 3.8-2a_SoilBoring
Figure 3.8-2b_SoilBoringcont
Figure 3.9-1_WQStationsWC
Figure 3.12-1_PublicSvc
Figure 3.13-1_RecOpp
Figure 3.13-2_FishingDiving
Figure 4-1-EnvJustice-minorities_WIP
Figure 5-1_OptBoatLaunchLoc
Appendix A: Land Use Policy Analysis Tables
Appendix B: Traffic Impact Study
Appendix C: Air Quality Technical Information
Appendix D: Background Information on Acoustics
Appendix E:Construction Noise Analysis
Appendix F: Geology
Appendix G: Tenant and Development History of the Site
Appendix H: MOU Accounting for Mitigation Bank
Appendix I: Cultural Resources Investigation
Appendix J: Aboveground Tank Source Control Program
Appendix K: Cut Fill Options
Appendix L: Notice of Preparation Initial Study and Checklist  
2019 Final Revised Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) — Certified  02/21/2019
Revised Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
2012 Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) — Certified 11/15/12
Final IS/MND
2012 Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND)
Draft IS/MND
2012 Notice of Intent (NOI) 
Notice of Intent
2009 Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) — Certified 06/18/2009
Board Letter
Final Mitigation List
Cover Letter
Title Page
Final Findings of Fact and Statements of Overriding Considerations
Final 2009 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) - see final revised version below
Final 2019 Revised Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Response to Comments
Chapter 3: Modifications to the EIR
Appendix L: Caulerpa Control Protocol
Appendix M: Location of Fish Sampling Stations
Appendix N: Location of Closed Wells
Appendix O: Project Water Supply Assessment
2008 Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)
2008 Draft Environmental Impact Report: Volume I
2008 Draft Environmental Impact Report: Volume II
Cover Image (Volume I)
Cover Image (Volume II)
Cover Letter
Página Principal
Reader’s Guide
Resumen Lector
Public Meeting Presentation
Public Meeting Transcript
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Project Description
Chapter 3.0: Environmental Analysis
Chapter 3.1: Aesthetics
Chapter 3.2: Air Quality
Chapter 3.3: Biological Resources
Chapter 3.4: Cultural Resources
Chapter 3.5: Geology
Chapter 3.6: Groundwater and Soils
Chapter 3.7: Hazardous Materials
Chapter 3.8: Land Use
Chapter 3.9: Noise
Chapter 3.10: Population and Housing
Chapter 3.11: Transportation and Circulation - Ground and Marine
Chapter 3.12: Utilities
Chapter 3.13: Public Services
Chapter 3.14: Water Quality, Sediments, and Oceanography
Chapter 4: Cumulative Effects
Chapter 5: Project Alternatives
Chapter 6: Environmental Justice
Chapter 7: Socioeconomics and Environmental Quality
Chapter 8: Growth-Inducing Impacts
Chapter 9: Significant Irreversible Impacts
Chapter 10: References
Chapter 11: List of Preparers
Chapter 12: Acronyms
Appendix A: Notice of Preparation
Appendix B: Port Community Advisory Committee (PCAC) Project Involvement
Appendix C: Air Quality
Appendix D: Biological Resources
Appendix E: Native American Correspondence (Confidential)
Appendix F: Groundwater
Appendix G: Risk Analysis of LADWP Marine Tank Farm
Appendix H: DWP Tanks Noise Analysis
Appendix I: Traffic Study
Appendix J: Water Quality
Appendix K: Defining Low-Income Populations
Comment letters received on 2008 DEIR:
CA Dept of Conservation – Oil and Gas
California Public Utilities Commission
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
LA Department of Transportation
LA City Planning
LA Community Redevelopment Agency
LA County Sanitation Districts
LA Department of Water and Power
National Marine Fisheries Service
Pacific Harbor Line
Pat Rome (1)
Pat Rome (2)
South Coast Air Quality Management District
R. Standart
T. Standart
Wilmington Chamber of Commerce
2008 Notice of Preparation (NOP)
Notice of Preparation
Proyecto de Desarrollo de la Zona Costera de Wilmington​​

Additional Information

Notice Types

IS: Initial Study (CEQA)
EA: Environmental Assessment (CEQA)
ND: Negative Declaration (CEQA)
MND: Mitigated Negative Declaration (CEQA)
NOP/NOI: Notice of Preparation / Notice of Intent of the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (CEQA)
SNOP/SNOI: Supplemental Notice of Preparation / Intent of the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (CEQA)
MMRP: Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (CEQA)
EIR: Environmental Impact Report (CEQA)
EIR/EIS: Environmental Impact Report (CEQA) combined with Environmental Impact Statement (NEPA)
DEIR/DEIS: Draft Environmental Impact Report (CEQA) / Draft Environmental Impact Statement (NEPA)
FEIR/FEIS: Final Environmental Impact Report/Statement (CEQA/NEPA)
SEIR/SEIS: Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (CEQA) / Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (NEPA)
REIR/REIS: Recirculated Environmental Impact Report (CEQA) / Recirculated Environmental Impact Statement (NEPA)


The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), requires state and local agencies to identify significant environmental impacts of their actions and to avoid or mitigate those impacts, if feasible. The City of Los Angeles Harbor Department analyzes potential environmental impacts of Port of Los Angeles development projects. If significant impacts are identified, strategies for reducing such impacts are examined. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which is a report of this analysis, is presented to the Board of Harbor Commissioners before any decision is made on the project. The EIR allows the Board to make an informed choice, while balancing the impact of Port development on the environment and the financial benefits of the project to the City of Los Angeles.
Whenever there is major federal involvement in Port development projects in the form of federal funding or permits, the Port must also comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA is similar to CEQA, as it requires analysis of the environmental impacts of a project prior to federal action on the project. The preparation of such an analysis is called an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Sometimes, CEQA and NEPA documents are combined into a joint EIR/EIS, and are co-produced with a federal agency, such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Illustrating the CEQA Process
The charts below illustrate the general approach and steps in the CEQA process at the Port of Los Angeles.
The EIR chart follows a proposed project's environmental review process from Notice of Preparation/Initial Study (NOP/IS) to Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) to Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR), which is then presented to the Harbor Commission for Board consideration and certification. The flowchart also highlights public participation opportunities that occur throughout the process.
The IS/(M)ND chart follows a proposed project's environmental review process from Draft Initial Study and (Mitigated) Negative Declaration (IS/[M]ND) to Final IS/(M)ND, then presented to the Harbor Commission for Board consideration and certification. The flowchart also highlights public participation opportunities that occur throughout the process.

Public Review and Comments

As part of the Port's environmental review process, a project may have an open public review period. During that time, please submit written comments via email to ceqacomments@portla.org. Comments sent via email should be included in letter format as an attachment to the e-mail, with the project title in the e-mail subject line.
Comments submitted through U.S. mail may be sent to the following address:

Director of Environmental Management
Los Angeles Harbor Department
P.O. Box 151
San Pedro, CA 90733-0151
Questions about environmental documents should be directed to the Port of Los Angeles Environmental Management Division at (310) 732-3675.