Terminal Investment Limited (TIL) manages Everglades Company Terminal (ECT), which operates the West Basin Container Terminal (WBCT) at the Port of Los Angeles. Headquartered in Switzerland, TIL invests in, develops and actively manages container terminals around the world. TIL’s largest customer is Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC).
About Everglades Company Terminal
Terminal Features
containerized cargo; wheeled and grounded operation
186 acres (75 hectares)
2500’ total berth length
2 berths
45' water depth
186 acres (75 hectares)
2500’ total berth length
2 berths
45' water depth
5 post-Panamax cranes
transtainers, sidehandlers, tophandlers, forklifts, UTRs, bombcarts
transtainers, sidehandlers, tophandlers, forklifts, UTRs, bombcarts
maintenance and repair
Alternative Maritime Power® (AMP®)
on-dock rail
Appointment System: Imports, Exports (limited); Voyager Track
Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC®)
Appointment System: Imports, Exports (limited); Voyager Track
Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC®)
Terminal Photos for Download