Fenix Marine Services Container Terminal

Berths 302-305

About Fenix Marine Services

Fenix Marine Logo
Fenix Marine Services (FMS) operates the container terminal commonly referred to as Pier 300, the second largest container terminal at the Port of Los Angeles. With a focus on seamless, integrated solutions, FMS provides container and general cargo handling services to shipping lines including stevedoring, intermodal and truck services, storage and maintenance. By staying ahead with the latest in terminal operating technology, Fenix offers innovative ways to streamline the movement of cargo across its terminals. Formerly known as Eagle Marine Services, Ltd., FMS has been a Port of Los Angeles tenant since 1997.

Berths 302-305
614 Terminal Way
Terminal Island, CA 90731
(310) 548-8815
Terminal Features
Cargo Icon

containerized cargo; import and export containers grounded
292 acres (118 hectacres)
4000’ total berth length
3 berths
50' water depth
16 post-Panamax cranes
706 refrigerated container plugs
maintenance and repair
Alternative Maritime Power® (AMP®)
transtainers, sidehandlers, tophandlers, UTRs, bombcarts
on-dock rail
Appointment System: Voyage Control
Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC®)
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Terminal Photos for Download
Shipping Lines
Wan Hai Lines