/EIR 1 - 8 SCH# 2014101050 September 2017 Existing Throughput and Vessel Calls 1 In 2013, the Everport Container Terminal moved 1.24 million TEUs and had 166 ve ssel 2 calls. The majority of vessels calling at the t erminal were 2,000- and 6,000- TEU
hydrology to address NPDES stormwater requirements, maintenance dredging to 26 ensure adequate vessel access to the site , and constructing two Confined Disposal 27 Facilities (CDFs) over two phases of the Project. A CDF is an engineered landfill 28
hydrology to address NPDES stormwater requirements, maintenance dredging to 26 ensure adequate vessel access to the site , and constructing two Confined Disposal 27 Facilities (CDFs) over two phases of the Project. A CDF is an engineered landfill 28
that health bwill occur. Any uncertainty regarding the exact estimates of cost savings are dealt with in the CARB analysis. 4 .1. Cost Estimates ent schedule, the cost estimates were developed e. While diligent efforts have been made to accurately
that can increase operational efficiencies . This could include zero - emission vessel automated container movement technologies, advanced logistic strategies, and other equipment or strategies that enable more efficient operations . Improving
that can increase operational efficiencies . This could include zero - emission vessel automated container movement technologies, advanced logistic strategies, and other equipment or strategies that enable more efficient operations . Improving
alon gside law enforcement officers: Cadets receive on - the - jo b training and career development. We work around your class schedule. You get to meet amazing people! Your Submission Must Include: Phone (310) 732 - 3515
and exporter information. 5. Q: Are there any relevant milestones outside the project the consultant should be aware of when creating the project schedule? A: There are no hard deadlines, but the Port would like a first draft within 6- 8 weeks of selection.
________________ ORIENTATION LAPP Policy & Procedures Introduction to staff Tour Facility(s) Issuance of Training Book Schedule Review Change of Watch Late Policy Holidays Overview of Communications Expectations of a Dispatcher Confidential aspects of work
Harbor Improvement Corporation for the year ended June 30, 2022 Limited Procedures Schedule of Proportionate Share of the Net Pension Liability Schedule of Pension Contributions Schedule of Proportionate Share of the Net Other Postemployment Benefits