emissions standards for terminal equipment, vessel speed 32 reduction and fuel requirements, AMP for a proportion of marine vessels, clean truck 33 requirements, and other environmental me asures unrelated to air quality such as 34 storm water
emissions standards for terminal equipment, vessel speed 32 reduction and fuel requirements, AMP for a proportion of marine vessels, clean truck 33 requirements, and other environmental me asures unrelated to air quality such as 34 storm water
, breakbulk, automobile, and passe nger facilities. In calendar year 20 20 the Port handled approximately 207 million metric revenue tons of cargo (LAHD, 2021), including 9. 2 million TEUs of containerized cargo, and saw 1, 654 vessel arrivals
would not interfere with operation of designated vessel 40 traffic lanes and/or impair the level of safety for vessels navigating the Main 41 Channel, West Basin area, East Basin area, or precautionary areas. No mitigation 42 measures were requi red
and purchasing management system Once implementation started, we realized that the scope of functional enhancements was greater and would require a significant schedule extension and project budget increase 3Project Scope & Desired Outcomes Functional
and purchasing management system Once implementation started, we realized that the scope of functional enhancements was greater and would require a significant schedule extension and project budget increase 3Project Scope & Desired Outcomes Functional
purpose. Los Angeles, California December 18, 2017 3 Independent Auditor's Report on Compliance for the Major Federal Program; Report on Internal Control Over Compliance; and Report on Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Required
and on Internal Control over Compliance in Accordance with OMB Circular A-133 3 Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards 5 Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards 6 Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs 7 Report on Internal Control
$2,119,642$200,000 $1,772,164 $50,000 $97,478 Harbor Administration Building Board Hearing Room and Executive Session Room Remodel is behind schedule and will need PDC action to adjust the schedule. B. 68 Port Pilots Living Quarters Buildings is under
in the Outer Harbor . The terminals would be designed to accommodate the berthing of a Freedom Class or equivalent cruise vessel (1,150 feet in length) . A proposed Outer Harbor Park would encompass approximately 6 acres at the Outer Harbor