by Avalon Freight during low or high tides. Improvements to the ramp would a llow Avalon Freight to utilize the ramp with the same frequency, but on a preferred schedule not dependent on tides . The barge landing ramp upgrades include demolition
by Avalon Freight during low or high tides. Improvements to the ramp would a llow Avalon Freight to utilize the ramp with the same frequency, but on a preferred schedule not dependent on tides . The barge landing ramp upgrades include demolition
includes application of MM AQ - 5 and LM AQ- 1, summarized below, to reduce 10 operational impacts. Mitigation measures are described in greater detail in Section 11 MM AQ - 5 : Vessel Speed Reduction Program (VSRP) 12 LAHD's standard lease
includes application of MM AQ - 5 and LM AQ- 1, summarized below, to reduce 10 operational impacts. Mitigation measures are described in greater detail in Section 11 MM AQ - 5 : Vessel Speed Reduction Program (VSRP) 12 LAHD's standard lease
- 1 Summary of Terminal Vessel Activity Number of Vessel Calls ................................ ............. 2 - 12 4.3 - 1 SCAQMD Significance Thresholds for Daily Emissions and Ambient Pollutant Concentrations
- 1 Summary of Terminal Vessel Activity Number of Vessel Calls ................................ ............. 2 - 12 4.3 - 1 SCAQMD Significance Thresholds for Daily Emissions and Ambient Pollutant Concentrations
quality, and oceanography Biota and habitats Ground transportation and circulation Marine vessel transportation Noise Public health and safety Public services Energy Utilities Land use DRAFT FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS
quality, and oceanography Biota and habitats Ground transportation and circulation Marine vessel transportation Noise Public health and safety Public services Energy Utilities Land use DRAFT FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS
Report of Independent Auditors o n Compliance f or E ach Major Federal Program; Report o n Internal Control Over Compliance; and Report on the Schedule o f Expenditures o f Federal Awards Required by the Uniform Guidance 3-5 Schedule of E
.............................................................................................................. 41 2.E. Accounts Receivable - Vessel Revenue ...................................................................................... 42 3. Contracts