Number F - 1152. The total contract amount is $717,974.32 inclu sive of applicable taxes. The contract includes the design, construction, and delivery of the onsole boats and installation of radio equipment for each vessel, two trailers and training
to accommodate pedestrians. At intersections in the PMPU area , all 21 pedestrian crossing areas are marked with crosswalks. 22 Marine Vessel Transportation 23 The Port is located in San Pedro Bay and is protected from Pacific Ocean surge 24
to accommodate pedestrians. At intersections in the PMPU area , all 21 pedestrian crossing areas are marked with crosswalks. 22 Marine Vessel Transportation 23 The Port is located in San Pedro Bay and is protected from Pacific Ocean surge 24
ial Handling Equipment LM AQ - 2: Periodic Review of New Technology LM AQ - 3: At - Berth Vessel Emissions Control Pilot Study LM AQ - 5: Vessel Speed Reduction Program (VSRP) LM AQ - 6: Front End Loader Replacement Schedule Impacts would remain
(CARB) to extend the Green Omni Terminal Project (Project) at Pasha Stevedoring & Terminals L.P. (Pasha) by 18 months, reallocate grant funding, modify Project milestones, and modify the disbursement schedule. No additional funds are being requested
Omni Terminal Project (Project) at Pasha Stevedoring & Terminals L.P. (Pasha) by 18 months, reallocate grant funding, modify Project milestones, and modify the disbursement schedule. No additional funds are being requested. The Harbor Department
......................................................................................................... ............. 2-7 2.5 Alternatives Evaluate d in this SEIS/SEIR ............................................................................. 2-2 7 2.6 Proposed Construction Me thods and Schedule
......................................................................................................... ............. 2-7 2.5 Alternatives Evaluate d in this SEIS/SEIR ............................................................................. 2-2 7 2.6 Proposed Construction Me thods and Schedule
......................................................................................................... ............. 2-7 2.5 Alternatives Evaluate d in this SEIS/SEIR ............................................................................. 2-2 7 2.6 Proposed Construction Me thods and Schedule
of those incide nts result in an oil spill (Etkin 2001). 20 Open Ocean Transit Oil Spills. Spill probabilities for open ocean vessel transit 21 were evaluated based on USCG reco mmendations for open ocean allisions, 22 collisions, and groundings. Wh ile