: only one, MM AQ - 9, requiring adherence to the VSRP, relates to vessel traffic, and the change in the Revised Project merely alters the implementation schedule and requires a compliance rate of 95% instead of 100% ; neither change affects
and thereafter: 100 percent of auxiliary engines, main engines, and boilers Timing: Throughout Phases II and III operational years. Methods: This measure shall be incorporated into the lease. Vessel calls shall be monitored by the Wharfingers Office
................................................................................................. 99 3.7.3 Vessel Characteristics ......................................................................................................... 100 3.7.4 Hotelling Time at Berth and Anchorage
........................................................................\...................... ... 593.7.3 Vessel Characteristics ........................................................................\.......................... ......... 603.7.4
vessel (OGV) emission r is an international clean ship indexing program developed through the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) World Ports Climate Initiative (WPCI). The ESI program is completely voluntary for operators
ocean-going vessel (OGV) is an international clean ship indexing program developed through the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) World Ports Climate Initiative (WPCI). The ESI program is completely voluntary for operators and ports
of a RACON unit. 2. Section VI. SCHEDULE, FUNDING, AND REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENTS, replace Paragraphs B., C., D., and F. in its entirety with the following: B. With the signing of the underlying Agreement, NOS invoiced the City in the amount of $74,500
igure 1.2: Port Boundary Area of Study ................................ ................................ ........................ 3 Figure 4.1: Distribution of Commercial Harbor Craft Population by Vessel Type ................ 24 Figu re 4.2
................................ ................................ ............................... 2 Figure 4.1: Distribution of Commercial Harbor Craft Population by Vessel Type ................................ .............. 21 Figure 4.2: Distribution of Harbor Craft Engines by Engine
....................................................... ES-10Figure 1.1: Emissions Inventory Geographical Extent ................................................................. 2Figure 4.1: Distribution of Commercial Harbor Cr aft by Vessel Type