SAN PEDRO, Calif. – June 13, 2019 – Los Angeles Port Police officers, along with Los Angeles Fire Department and Los Angeles Police Department personnel, were able to save a man’s life on Thursday just before he jumped from a San Pedro rooftop.
The incident started at about 11 a.m. when Port Police spotted a person sitting on the rooftop ledge of a seven-story parking structure on the 500 block of South Centre St.  Port Police, Los Angeles Police Department and Los Angeles Fire Department officials responded.
A mental health professional was brought to the scene to communicate with the subject, who appeared suicidal. During the discussion and as fire officials were about to deploy airbags below, the subject ran to the other side of the roof and approached the ledge. Port Police and LAPD officers were able to grab the subject and pull him to safety.  
The person was transported to Harbor UCLA Medical Center for evaluation.
“This is a great example of first responders putting themselves in harm’s way to help a citizen in crisis. I’m very proud of the brave actions taken by all the first responders, especially Port Police Officers Francisco Nunez, Stacey Creech, Sgt. Scott Gaines and LAPD Officer Maligi “Junior” Nua, all of whom stopped this individual as he was trying to jump from the roof,” said Port Police Deputy Chief Randy Allen. “I’m grateful to Capt. Daniel Cobos and civilian Harbor Department employee Kristine Kronheim for initially noticing the subject and taking immediate action that enabled this incident to end without any loss of life.”