Nov. 15, 2024 – The Port of Los Angeles has released a Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) for a proposed John S. Gibson Truck and Chassis Parking Lot located near the San Pedro Bay Port Complex. The proposed site location is not on Port-owned property.
The proposed project, located at 1599 John S. Gibson Blvd., would develop an 18.63-acre site with a short-term truck and chassis parking facility and related site improvements. The project site is anticipated to be utilized for short-term parking, as chassis with or without containers are not anticipated to be parked on site over 24 hours. The proposed project includes paving of a portion of the site and striping of approximately 393 truck and chassis stalls. The proposed project also includes the installation of a new signal and median modifications at the intersection of the proposed project driveway and John S. Gibson Blvd. The proposed project would be implemented in one development phase and would require an amendment to the Port of Los Angeles Master Plan.
The Draft EIR has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines and is available for review on the Port of Los Angeles website at portoflosangeles.org/ceqa.
The Port will hold a virtual public meeting on Zoom to receive comments on the Draft EIR at 4 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 11. No registration is required. Simultaneous Spanish translation services will be provided.
Written comments on the Draft EIR may be submitted via email to ceqacomments@portla.org  or to the following address during the public review period through Jan. 10, 2025:
Director of Environmental Management
Los Angeles Harbor Department
425 South Palos Verdes Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
Comment letters sent via email should include the Project title “John S. Gibson Truck and Chassis Parking Lot Project” in the email subject line.
For more information, visit portoflosangeles.org/ceqa, or call the Port of Los Angeles Environmental Management Division at (310) 732-3615.