Port of Los Angeles Information on Tropical Storm Hilary


Livestream of the Port Los Angeles

Status of Port of Los Angeles Facilities

Aug. 21, 2023 - Updated at 4 p.m.
  • The Los Angeles Harbor Department is fully operational with no reported impacts. Container terminals are open and operating. 
  • The storm has passed the Port of Los Angeles area with no reported damage. Ship and container terminal movements are normal.
  • Port of Los Angeles officials have conducted surveys of Port facilities and report no damage.

Port of Los Angeles Statement

All media inquiries related to Tropical Storm Hilary’s weather should be sent to City of Los Angeles’ Joint Information Center at (213) 484-4869 or unifiedla@lacity.org.
SAN PEDRO, Calif. — Aug. 18, 2023 — Port of Los Angeles officials have been contacting local marinas, small boat operators, marine terminals, the International Longshore & Warehouse Union, other waterfront workers and cruise lines to make sure they are aware of and prepared for storm conditions. As necessary and with the assistance of Los Angeles Port Pilots and the Marine Exchange of Southern California, vessels will be relocated to anchorage points off shore to ride the storm out. Los Angeles Port Police are prepared to work closely with our tenants, the U.S. Coast Guard L.A./Long Beach sector and our other local law enforcement, maritime fire, and emergency management agency partners maintaining a readiness posture to respond to this potential climate emergency. Residents are urged to stay away from the shoreline and beaches throughout the duration of the storm.

Los Angeles Port Police Updates

  • Agency Assist: Los Angeles Port Police assisting Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Emergency Services Bureau by transporting Deputies to Catalina Island with supplies. (Aug. 19)

Port of Los Angeles Storm Advisories for Boaters

Prior to the onset of the storm, boat owners should take all possible measures to safeguard their vessel. Here is a checklist of recommended actions to consider:
  • Double up mooring lines and ensure that lines are well secured to the pilings.
  • Install chafing gear where lines rub against chocks, deck edges, or crossing lines.
  • Ensure that cleats are secured with substantial backing plates.
  • Install extra fenders.
  • Inspect the bilge pumps, batteries, and cockpit drains.
  • Ensure that all hatches and portholes are secured.
  • Close fuel lines and thru-hull fittings.
  • Remove all legal documents, valuables, and removable electronics equipment.
  • Remove and stow all sails, including self-furling jibs.
  • Take down the mast if possible.
  • Remove all loose items from the decks and open cockpit compartments.

Port of Los Angeles Storm Preparation for Residents

In anticipation of the approaching storm, the Los Angeles Port Police is working with the U.S. Coast Guard LA/Long Beach Sector, as well as local law enforcement, maritime fire, and emergency management agencies to prepare for and respond to any potential weather-related emergencies.

Below you will find information to help you be prepared for the storm and to stay safe during the storm:

Before the Storm:
  • Know what to do before, during, and after a flood.
  • Make a family emergency communication plan and include pets.
  • Have emergency supplies in place at home, at work, and in the car.
  • Listen to local officials by radio, TV, or social media.

During a Storm
  • Avoid the shoreline and beaches for the entire duration of the storm.
  • Evacuate when advised by authorities or if you are in a flooded or flash flood prone area.
  • If you are on high ground above flooded areas, being prepared to stay where you may be the best protection.
  • Do not attempt to drive or walk through flood waters. Turn Around, Don’t Drown!
  • If you can do so safely, check on your neighbors to make sure they are okay.

  • Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) and Los Angeles County Fire Department (LACOFD) will be providing residents with sand and sandbags. While Los Angeles Fire Department is pleased to provide sand (some locations provide sandbags only) and up to 25 free sandbags per household, the Department is not able to fill, deliver, install, or remove sandbags.
  • Download the FEMA app and receive real-time alerts from the National Weather Service for up to five locations nationwide. Sign up for community alerts in your area and be aware of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA), which require no sign up.
  • Los Angeles County Flood Zone Maps

Alerta de emergencia de la ciudad de Los Ángeles

El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional pronostica que la ciudad de Los Ángeles experimentará condiciones de tormenta significativas provocadas por la tormenta tropical Hilary el domingo 20 de agosto y el lunes 21 de agosto. Se espera que todo Los Ángeles reciba al menos un par de pulgadas de lluvia, con áreas estribaciones y montaña pueden recibir hasta seis pulgadas.
Esto puede causar inundaciones localizadas con arroyos que crecen rápidamente y posibles flujos de escombros y deslizamientos de tierra. Los vientos inusualmente fuertes con ráfagas  pueden ser de más de 40 a 60 millas por hora en áreas de montañas, valles y colinas, y ráfagas de 20 a 40 millas por hora en la cuenca de Los Ángeles podrían causar daños a los muebles que están afuera y techos exteriores que no estén asegurados.
El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional continúa brindando información meteorológica actualizada en https://www.weather.gov/srh/tropical?office=lox
Al prepararse para la tormenta, tome las siguientes medidas:
  • Asegure su espacio afuera: mueva muebles, sombrillas y otros artículos livianos a áreas interiores o seguras para asegurarse de que no se vayan volando
  • Reúna suministros de emergencia que le permitan refugiarse en el lugar durante la tormenta, incluidos alimentos, agua, radios, medicamentos y suministros para mascotas.
  • Prepárese para cortes de energía con baterías, linternas, cargadores de respaldo para teléfonos celulares y cables de carga
  • Regístrese para recibir alertas de emergencia por mensaje de texto, correo electrónico y llamadas telefónicas para su hogar, trabajo y escuela en www.notifyla.org
  • Recoja bolsas de arena en su estación de bomberos local. Más información aquí: https://www.lafd.org/news/lafd-provides-sandbags-homeowners
  • Prepare dispositivos médicos y teléfonos celulares para posibles cortes de energía cargándolos por completo y preparando sistemas de respaldo
  • Notifiquen a sus vecinos para asegurarse de que sepan sobre las condiciones de la tormenta y estén preparados
  • Revise los desagües pluviales cercanos donde vive y en su vecindario para asegurarse de que no tengan escombros
Durante la tormenta, tome las siguientes medidas:
  • Evite conducir si es posible. Se prevén condiciones peligrosas en las carreteras en toda la región
  • Lleve a las mascotas adentro durante la tormenta para mantenerlas a salvo de la caída de escombros
  • Llame al 911 para situaciones que amenazan la vida, como personas atrapadas por inundaciones o árboles dañados, y flujos de escombros que amenazan edificios
  • Si ve inundaciones, árboles caídos u otros daños significativos que no ponen en peligro la vida de inmediato, infórmelo a través del 311, que funcionará con un horario extendido durante la tormenta. Llame al 3-1-1 o visite https://lacity.gov/myla311
  • Suponga que todas las líneas eléctricas caídas están electrificadas y son peligrosas. Informe problemas de energía al Departamento de Agua y Energía llamando al 1-800-342-5397
  • No encienda ni opere los generadores en interiores o en garajes. Para consejos de operación del generador se pueden encontrar aquí: https://www.fema.gov/fact-sheet/use-generators-safely-home
  • Visite Emergency.lacity.gov/updates para obtener información sobre las últimas actualizaciones de tormentas y cómo está respondiendo la Ciudad.

Update Regarding Emergency Temporary Shelter for Unhoused Angelenos

Aug. 20, 2023 – The City of Los Angeles announced today that emergency temporary shelters remain open across the City to provide shelter for unhoused Angelenos impacted by Tropical Storm Hilary’s extreme weather conditions. Taken together, the City is providing nearly 400 units of emergency temporary shelter for people experiencing homelessness through the storm. Five shelters opened yesterday located near high-risk areas near the City’s waterways and potential flood zones. Three additional shelters are opening today as part of the City’s plan to expand coverage in more neighborhoods across Los Angeles. The City will continue to offer transportation to shelters as a part of outreach efforts. Angelenos who go into emergency shelters may bring their pets and personal belongings. All locations meet ADA compliance requirements. The City of Los Angeles urges unhoused Angelenos who are seeking emergency shelter to accept temporary shelter today. The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority and City Departments including the Department of Recreation and Parks, Department of Transportation, and non-profit service providers worked together to identify resources and establish shelter to provide support to unhoused residents near at-risk areas and in street encampments.
The temporary emergency shelters are:
Echo Park Community Center
313 Patton St., Los Angeles 90026
North Hollywood Senior Center
5301 Tujunga Ave., Los Angeles, CA 91601
Lake View Terrace Recreation Center
11075 Foothill Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 91342
Central Park Recreation Center
1357 E. 22nd St., Los Angeles, CA 90011
Stoner Recreation Center
1835 Stoner Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
Lanark Recreation Center
21816 Lanark St., Canoga Park, CA 91304
South L.A. Sports Activity Center
7020 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90003
Glassell Park Recreation Center
3650 Verdugo Rd, Los Angeles 90065
Outreach began during the week and continued during the weekend to communicate flood warnings, the need to evacuate the City’s waterways, and the expected dangerous weather conditions over the weekend. In addition to the City’s emergency temporary shelters, motel vouchers are being provided and the interim housing network is being mobilized. For those who are unable to move, storm provisions including tarps and emergency blankets were offered. The City of Los Angeles’ emergency response departments including LAPD and LAFD will be on standby to assist those in life-threatening situations.

Sign up to receive text, email, and phone call emergency alerts for your home, work, and school at notifyla.org.