Foreign-Trade Zone 202
View FTZ 202 brochure
For more information about Foreign-Trade Zone 202, contact Ana Dragin with the Port of Los Angeles Cargo Marketing Division at (310) 732-3840.
Additional FTZ 202 Materials:
Port Warehouses
- Warehouse 9 | Brouwerij West
- Warehouse 10 | CRAFTED at the Port of Los Angeles
- Warehouses 13, 16 & 17 | Toll Global
- Berths 54-55 | SSA Marine | Port of Los Angeles
- Berth 57 | AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles
- Berths 58-60 | AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles
- Berth 68 | Historic Municipal Warehouse No. 1 | Port of Los Angeles
- Berth 153-155A | Port of Los Angeles
- Berths 179-181 | Pasha Stevedoring and Terminals
- Berth 209 | Port of Los Angeles
- Berth 264 | Cal Marine Fish Company
- Berth 265 | Neptune Foods
- Berth 268-268A | Port of Los Angeles