Port of Los Angeles Agenda Logo

Audit Committee

Audit Committee - January 30, 2025

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Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners
Banning's Landing Community Center
100 E. Water Street
Wilmington, California 90744





Audit Committee Members
Commissioner Edward R. Renwick (Chair)
Vice President John A. Pérez
BOARD MEETINGS - The Board’s Regular Meetings are held at 10:00 A.M. at the Banning’s Landing Community Center as scheduled on the Port’s website at www.portoflosangeles.org. A quorum of three of five Commissioners is required to transact business and three Aye votes are required to carry a motion.
  • Members of the public may attend the Board meeting in person at the Banning’s Landing Community Center located at 100 East Water Street, Wilmington, CA 90744. Please note that free public parking is available at the Wilmington Waterfront Promenade – West Parking Lot, as well as along Water Street.
  • Live Board meetings may be heard at: (213) 621-CITY (Metro), (818) 904-9450 (Valley), (310) 471-CITY (Westside) and (310) 547-CITY (San Pedro Area) with live broadcast accessibility at https://www.portoflosangeles.org/commission/agenda-archive-and-videos.
  • In-Person Comments: Live, oral public comments will be taken in person, only, and not via teleconference. Members of the public will be given an opportunity to address the Board on (1) any item on the agendas prior to the Board’s consideration of that item, including the consent and closed session agenda; and (2) subjects within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board (general public comment).  Members of the public who wish to speak should complete a speaker card indicating the agenda item number on which they will comment, or designate “general public comment.” Each speaker is allowed to speak up to 3 minutes per agenda item. The Presiding Officer shall, however, exercise discretion to determine if such period of time should be reduced or extended based upon, but not limited to, such factors as the length of the agenda or substance of the agenda items, the quantity of public comment speaker cards submitted, the need for the Board to conclude its business as expeditiously as is practicable and/or the Board is at risk of losing a quorum, among other factors. Members of the public who do not complete their comments within the time allotted, can submit their full comments in writing for inclusion in the record. Upon request, non-English speakers will be granted additional speaking time for translation assistance.
  • Written comments or materials may be submitted by emailing commissioners@portla.org or brought to the meeting. If you request to distribute documents to the full Commission, please present the Board Secretary with twelve (12) copies.  Otherwise, your materials will simply be added to the official meeting record. All written comments or materials submitted for this meeting will be provided to the Commissioners and entered into the official meeting minutes. Please submit your written comments prior to 3:00pm on the day before the scheduled meeting. Requests to distribute literature to the general public attendees of the meeting shall be placed on a literature table outside the Boardroom during and until 30 minutes after the Board meeting.
  • Para sumetir su comentario en español, se puede enviar a nuestro correo electrónico: commissioners@portla.org, un día antes de la junta, o puede llamar a nuestra Oficina de Comisionados al (310) 732-3444 para grabar su mensaje. Alguien de nuestra oficina estará disponible para traducir su comentario en inglés y entregarlo a los Comisionados del Puerto.
  • Commission actions, are not final until the expiration of the next five meeting days of the City Council except actions subject to appeal or review by the Council pursuant to the Charter, ordinance or other applicable law.  If the Council asserts jurisdiction during this five meeting-day period, the Council has 21 calendar days thereafter in which to act on the matter.
  • Please note that this agenda is subject to revision in accordance with the Brown Act.  In the event the agenda is revised prior to the meeting, Port staff will post the revised agenda on the Port’s web site (www.portoflosangeles.org).  Updated agendas will also be available at the meeting.
  • Notice to Paid Representatives: If you are compensated to monitor, attend, or speak at this meeting, City law may require you to register as a lobbyist and report your activity. See Los Angeles Municipal Code 48.01 et seq. More information is available at ethics.lacity.org/lobbying. For assistance, please contact the Ethics Commission at (213) 978-1960 or ethics.commission@lacity.org.
  • As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities.  Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, and translation services may be provided.  To ensure availability, 72-hour advance notice is required.
  • If you have any questions regarding meeting procedures, please contact the Harbor Commission Office prior to the meeting at (310) 732-3444.

A.        Roll Call
B.        Comments from the Public on Non-Agenda Items
C.        Regular Items
            1. Report of the Internal Auditor
                        1a) Status Update
                        1b) Community Investment Grants Audit
                              1b) Presentation
            3. Project Development Committee Report
                        3a) December 2024
                        3b) January 2025
            4. Financial Performance Report
                        4a) October 2024
                        4b) November 2024
D.        Adjournment

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